Could You Be Autistic? Here Are 12 Signs to Consider

Autism spectrum disorder (often referred to as “autism”) is a neurological and developmental disorder that can impact how someone learns, communicates, behaves, and interacts with others. Autism symptoms can vary from one person to another and change over time, and only a trained professional can accurately diagnose you with this disorder. With that said, here are 12 signs that you might be autistic:

  1. Strict Routines: You follow the same routine every day and feel anxious if it changes.
  2. Careful Planning: You make careful plans for activities and events.
  3. Detail-Oriented: You pay attention to small details and patterns that often go unnoticed by others.
  4. Difficulty Expressing Emotions: You find it difficult to explain what you’re feeling.
  5. Trouble Understanding Others: You have trouble understanding what others are thinking or feeling.
  6. Literal Interpretations: You take things literally (for example, you don’t understand what someone means when they use phrases like “keep your eye on the ball” or “you’ve got a frog in your throat”).
  7. Missing Sarcasm: You don’t pick up on sarcasm.
  8. Social Anxiety: The thought of socializing makes you feel anxious.
  9. Social Rules: You don’t understand social rules (for example, how you shouldn’t interrupt someone while they’re speaking).
  10. Eye Contact: You find it hard to make eye contact with others.
  11. Perceived Rudeness: People have accused you of being blunt or rude even when you didn’t mean to be.
  12. Making Friends: You have trouble making friends.

Speak to a Therapist Who Specializes in Treating Autism

Do the signs and symptoms described above sound familiar? If so, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of the experienced therapists at our practice. We specialize in treating patients with autism and we can supply you with customized advice about next steps to take. Contact us today and one of our friendly team members can tell you more about our practice, answer your questions, and schedule an appointment at a date and time that’s convenient for you.

Why Seek Professional Help?

  • Accurate Diagnosis: Only a trained professional can provide an accurate diagnosis of autism.
  • Personalized Advice: Receive customized recommendations tailored to your specific needs.
  • Support and Resources: Gain access to support and resources that can help you manage symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Taking the first step towards understanding your symptoms and seeking professional help can make a significant difference. Reach out to us today to begin your journey.

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